Friday, February 12, 2016

Life Lately

We've had a good week! Here are some of the things we've been up to lately...
Lily's Valentine's Day party is today at school...I'm helping host it and can't wait to see all the sweet cards she gets from her classmates! You know the unicorn cards I especially ordered for her to pass out? Well, they were shipped to our old address, and although we're having everything forwarded, it slows down the mail process. So they'll be here next week. After Valentine's Day. Argh! So we did what we should've done in the first place and picked some out from the grocery store.
The weather yesterday was unreal. Like the perfect spring day but in February. Hadley and I spent the morning outside while Lily was at school, then after naps I took them to the park. It was such a fun day.

While the girls were napping (Lily doesn't nap anymore, but she does have afternoon "rest" time where she just plays quietly or draws) I sat outside and read. I can't put this book down. It's a memoir about a young neurosurgeon finding out he has stage 4 lung cancer...and how he thus lives his life in the midst of a terminal diagnosis. It's one of the most beautifully written books I've ever read. He was an extraordinarily gifted writer, and I'm finding myself underlining so many of his sentences...just so I can go back and read them again. I highly recommend it.
I was in Target the other day (I feel like I begin over half of my sentences with this phrase) and picked up a few spring items for the girls. What would we do without our Target clothes?

The upcoming days are going to be busy but good. I work tomorrow, then Sunday is one of my favorites...Valentine's Day! My parents are keeping the girls that night, and Rob and I are going to fight the crowds and try to have dinner somewhere. Then next week at school Lily is "Star Student," and we've got to work on her poster and some fun snacks for her class. On Tuesday Hadley is getting tubes...I'm a little nervous, but I know it's something most kids seem to have done these days. Many children get tubes due to frequent ear infections, but Hadley is getting them because she has almost constant fluid behind both ears. Our ENT said because of this, her hearing is likely muffled and things to her almost sound like they're being said underwater. So I'm excited for what tubes will hopefully do for her! Her newest phrase is, "I love you too, Mama," and my heart turns into a puddle every time I hear it.
This is going to be me on Sunday night at dinner:
I hope everyone has a great weekend and a happy Valentine's Day! See y'all back here on Monday.

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